Core-collapse supernovae
MHD-jet supernovae
Neutron-star mergers
Monte Carlo method to produce distributions as a function of Ye
Lanthanide-poor blue ejecta + Lanthanide-rich red ejecta
Rebecca Surman (ND), Gail C. McLaughlin (NC State), Anna Frebel (MIT)
Trevor M. Sprouse (ND), Matthew Mumpower (LANL)
Timothy C. Beers (ND), Nicole Vassh (ND), Terese T. Hansen (TAMU), Chris Sneden (UT-Austin)
Vinicius M. Placco (ND), Ian U. Roederer (UMich.), Charli M. Sakari (UW), Rana Ezzeddine (MIT)
Grant Mathews (ND), Ani Aprahamian (ND), Toshihiko Kawano (LANL)